Frequently Asked Questions
A Life Coach helps you maximize your potential and raise your standards above ordinary. A Life Coach does not tell you what to do, instead, they act as a sounding board to help you uncover what you want to do in your life, family, career, relationships, personal well being... and so on.
How do they do this? A Life Coach focuses on what is happening now in your life, what you want next, and how this gap can be bridged. They help you identify barriers and roadblocks that might keep you from living your very best life.
A Life Coach helps identify obstacles that might get in your way and assist you with overcoming the impediments, pinpoint any resistance to change and help you find motivation to reach your desired goals.
Coaching helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and enable you to move forward at a far faster pace than you could achieve on your own, with the ultimate aim of you achieving your goals and discovering a much more fulfilling, joyful life.
By focusing on the present and future to set goals and plans of action, life coaching helps you create solutions to the problems that may hinder your personal development.
A life coach guides you to positive and transformative steps you should take. Using the tools and techniques life coaching teaches you, it will help you become more focus driven in your goal achievement.
A life coach helps you get clarity and get you on track by identifying available options that you may not have considered. Through being a good active, nonjudgmental listener, they support, encourage, challenge, and motivate and help facilitate you to take actions to move yourself towards your goals.
There are many reasons to hire a Life Coach. The core reason is clarity around issues that are causing stress of some kind in your life. For example, some stress in your life might hold you back from achieving your full potential, happiness or goals.
Additionally a Life Coach can also help you: Overcome obstacles, find clarity and purpose, save your time by helping focus you toward your goals, strengthen your personal foundation, find your confidence, feel revitalized, help you transition away from victimhood (perfectionism or other traits holding you back from your best life) to being a happy and more powerful force in your own life and the lives of those you love.
A Life coach can help you work through the fear, resistance and overwhelm and find the best solutions for yourself, help identify and help you remove obstacles blocking your happiness and success, guide you in making good decisions, provide you innovative ideas to suit your objectives, guide you to follow your dreams (goals), reorganize your life to help empower you, and so much more...
When something good or something bad happens to you - either way this involves change and transition. Good things can often be as scary as bad things, and both involve letting go of the old way (thoughts, behaviors, and so on) as well as help to navigate through the change.
A life Coach can support you moving forward in a healthier, much more enjoyable way and guide you to create your very own unique, authentic, happy, joyous life.
Individual (also known as 1-to-1) coaching sessions take approximately 50 minutes. Group coaching sessions can often be anywhere from one hour to two hours in length.
Depending on the plan and program you purchased and signed up for, these sessions can be weekly, bimonthly or monthly.
You can choose which suits your life, your budget and the speed at which you can take actions to achieve your goals.
The coaching session will take place over the PHONE, SKYPE or ZOOM or other interactive media (in other words...virtually). It can also be a combination of these.
This has proven to be the most efficient and convenient way for individuals to fit coaching into their very busy lives (and without the hassle of traveling to a set location).
Please make sure you block out your scheduled time on your calendar, show up on time, have a quiet room for the session, remove any distractions, be present and focused so you can be fully immersed on your session and get the best benefit from it.
To get the best from Life Coaching, first and foremost you need have a positive attitude, open mind and desire and focus towards the attainment of your goal.
You need to be trusting, honest, and totally open within the coaching relationship.
It is also best to have the time and commitment to complete the actions that you will set yourself at the end of each session. All of these actions are what will move you closer to your overall goal.
As the saying goes, “You only get out of it what you put into it.” This is true here as well. Ultimately (the bottom line here) you are responsible for what you get out of coaching and for taking action toward your desired outcome.
To help you with all of this, a Life Coach provides vast motivation, support and encouragement within a confidential non-judgmental environment.
Once you have agreed to work with a Life Coach, you will be treated with respect, all sessions held in strict confidence, and you will be provided clear information about what is expected.
With Life Coaching, you are ultimately in charge of your progress. All decisions are client-directed with guidance from your Life Coach.
Both coaches and counselors (when we use the term counseling here, please note it also refers to therapists) offer a support system to help you gain clarity, focus, and strength to move forward.
Coaching deals with the present, where you are now, and where you want to be. Counselors are often interested in helping you deal with the past, including any past traumas.
Another difference is that Life coaching is action-orientated while counselors and therapists are more coping and healing orientated.
A common misunderstanding is that coaching is the same as counseling. They are quite different.
Simply said, coaching is not therapy or counseling. Counseling/Therapy is intended to help people recover from emotional or other psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety.
Whereas Coaching is intended to help normal, healthy individuals achieve personal goals such as increased happiness, career and/or personal goals, improved work-life balance, and so on.
What coaches can do is help you set goals and milestones, counseling helps you recognize and solve your problems in life. A coach is focused on your potential.
Life coaches are trained to help clients get who are blocked or stuck, get unstuck, and move forward in life. Counselors are trained in human development and mental health conditions.
Additionally, Coaching is not covered by medical insurance while most medical/health insurance etc. may cover therapy and counseling.
During every session, we will recap on the actions set and achieved from the last session (Sometimes I will email you a form to fill out before your session).
We will look at general progress and successes that you have achieved.
After that you will set a goal for the current session, to clearly set out what you want to achieve by the end of the session.
We will then go over where you are at with a particular goal; what you have tried; what has worked what might not have worked. Then you will identify and discuss any obstacles or roadblocks you have come across along the way.
Together we will explore possible options (and formulate new action steps) in achieving that goal, using techniques to extract choices that you might have never thought of before.
Finally, we will look at what actions you want to set yourself to achieve the current session’s goal.
How many sessions you need depends on what you want to achieve with your coaching. For example, some people come to a Coach with a life-changing goal in mind.
In order to achieve this life-changing goal, we have to begin by looking at smaller goals that need to be achieved each session, to move closer to the overall goal.
Some people may take as few as eight sessions and for others it takes more.
This is a very personal decision based on individual goals. But please note, it takes time to change thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, a three-month-long agreement is standard.
That all depends. There are individual coaching sessions. There are group coaching sessions.
You also have to take into account how many sessions and so on. Life coaching involves investment in one’s own progress.
It has been proven that when someone has an investment in something; they are far more likely to succeed.
Please contact us for more information on the current programs, rates and availability.
One of the biggest benefits of coaching is that you have someone solely dedicated to you and the achievement of your goals. They are with you cheering you on, guiding you in helping you achieve your desired outcomes.
A life coach does not judge. Instead, they are nonjudgmental supportive, encouraging and motivating.
They help keep you focused on where you want to be and help you understand how you can move forward in the right direction.
They facilitate you to get to where you want to be in life, much quicker than you could on your own.