I Would Love to Hear From You!
My heart is full of gratitude to hear from you (really, my heart jumps for joy!) Please fill out the form below.
Plan on me getting back to you within 72 hours, Monday – Friday (excluding holidays) during business hours, 8 am- 5 pm, EST USA.

Commonly asked questions…
May I interview you? Of course. I’d be honored! You are welcome to get in touch with me by filling out the form below. Also please be aware that I require all questions upfront so I can best prepare and serve your audience.
May I send you mail? Yes, please. I love mail (and goodies)! Please fill out the contact form below. And please note that I usually get back to you in 72 hours, during business hours (excluding holidays), 8 am to 5 pm, Monday thru Friday. USA Eastern Standard Time.
May I ask you a question or two? For several reasons including legal reasons, I can only provide guidance and advice to my students and clients inside my paid offerings. You are welcome to enroll in one of my course or coaching programs.
Can you feature me or my service or products on your website and/or your social media? I hand select all of my guests, who I feature, and so on. Therefore, I don’t accept pitches. (Unless you are Oprah or Brené Brown then I can make an exception to my rule.) If I like something I see, and know it can be of value to my clients I will reach out to you.
How do you pronounce Lavrisa? Great question. Yes, it is unique last name for sure- this might help: Love-rissa. Although, please know, you are more than welcome to call me by my first name, Lois (yes, the same first name as Superman’s Lois Lane)

Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm
Lois Lavrisa
Lavrisa Enterprises, Inc
26 Peregrine Crossing
Savannah, GA 31411